Long Beach Gives is the city's largest annual fundraising event for non profits of Long Beach. Our goal is to raise $18,000 on Sept. 22nd. Christian Outreach in Action is non Government funded and we rely completely on donations from friends like you.
Please help us reach our goal so we can continue serving those in need.
John, a 69-year-old great-grandfather, has chronic health issues. He supports his granddaughter and her baby while she attends school to get her GED. He relies on the food bank twice weekly to get by, since groceries have become so expensive. He recently learned about the clothing bank and is coming by on Wednesdays regularly. During the Holiday Season, he and his family received a turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving, and, for Christmas, his grandchild received toys as well as clothing and food for his entire family.
With five small children, Angela walks the two miles to the food bank twice weekly for fresh groceries as well as every Friday to pick up diapers for her newborn. Mom says that she and her family come to the food bank for fresh groceries which last two or three days before running out. She relies on the diaper bank for free diapers for her baby because it saves her the cost of purchasing expensive diapers at the store. Angela received Christmas blessings from COA when she received toys and clothing for her five children. Angela gratefully says, "COA has helped me and my family through a hard year."
For the first time before the Holidays, a family of three consisting of a grandfather, his granddaughter, and her 2-year-old son ran out of food. Besides COA, they do not have a reliable source of fresh, healthy foods. They now drive twice weekly from Norwalk to COA where a variety of fresh, healthy foods are available.
Make a donation HERE